Malayaka House is 12!!!

Malayaka House is 12!!!

Today marks the 12-year anniversary of Malayaka House, and thus the 12-year birthday of our precious Malayaka, for whom our home was named. We are celebrating this wonderful milestone and accomplishment today, and we want to share the joy with you, our friends around the world. When Robert Fleming befriended

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What Does Malayaka House Do?

If you’ve ever wondered what we do here at Malayaka House…this is what we do. Yes, the vocational training, education, businesses, and sustainability are important. We strive every day to be fully self-sufficient so that our children will grow into self-sufficient adults. We are proud of our businesses, and our

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We are excited and proud to launch our new site today!

Malayaka House founder Robert Fleming isn’t a tech guy. He’s not into social media or anything having to do with the internet. He doesn’t even have a cell phone. In today’s world, this might sound crazy…but all of us at Malayaka House are grateful for Robert’s “old school” ways when

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On Safari with Malayaka House

Malayaka House safaris are in full swing! For those of you who have been to Malayaka House, you know that our goal is to – one day – fully sustain the cost of running our home with income generated from in-house businesses. We have a long way to go, but

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Malayaka House Literacy Program

Literacy is both an important life skill and a form of human connection. It is one important way that we learn about the world and our place in it. We believe that each child should receive skilled, individualized instruction in reading and writing so that they can pursue their dreams

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The World is Small

Having been back in the states for over a month now, I am feeling the pull to go back to Uganda, and back to Malayaka House. My family and I recently returned from a two-month stay; it’s difficult to put into words how formative an experience these extended stays in

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